
Autoship Strucutre

Internal Structural Design Software

Autostructure is used to design the internal structure of the vessel. It consists of four modules: System Manager™, Project Manager™, Autostructure and Report Manager™. The autostructure project is based upon a hull created in autoship. Output consists of drawings, for either construction or cutting, and various reports. Autostructure is built on top of Microsoft® SQL Server™ database; it uses AutoCAD 2008 or later for editing and drawing output. Autostructure is intended to follow and augment the design and workflow processes as carried out in the design office and shipyard. Core to the system is a centralized, user-expandable, material library which ensures consistency of material, plate size, profile shape and bracket design throughout all projects. Autostructure also offers a user-definable hierarchy system to provide a comprehensive part categorization scheme. Autostructure works with flat plate parts, extrusions (hull stiffeners and flat plate stiffeners), flat bars, brackets and shell plates. Flat plate parts can be trimmed to the hull envelope or other parts. Details developed on one plate may be copied to other plates. Stiffeners are assigned end treatments such as fitted, straight, sniped or lapped plus backset distance and may be mounted at any angle. Brackets may be selected from a user-expansible library, or created 'on the fly'. If a part is moved or a part's properties are modified, Autostructure can identify and regenerate any affected parts.

Autostructure Key Features


3-tier database system based on Microsoft's SQL Server 7™. When several designers work on one project, each is automatically updated by the others.

User Interface

A tree-view/list-view browser provides a user interface to the database. User-defined assembly hierarchy for project organization


A basic library of materials, flat sheet types, extrusions, flat bars and finishes is supplied. Bracket library manager and bracket designer. Users can extend the libraries with new entries. Extrusion cross-section editing is supported

Flat sheet parts

Flat parts are edited in AutoCAD™ 2000, accessed from within autostructure. Parts geometry is transferred programmatically to and from AutoCAD™. A custom toolbar provides access to functions specialized to part editing.

Surface and Edge Stiffeners

Within the editor face stiffeners and edge stiffeners can be created and located. Extrusions can have parametrically specified end shapes and fitting options. Dialogue for creating multiple stiffeners on panels. Stiffeners can be created along curves embedded in the shell surfaces. Point and click specification of flanges on flat part edges


The bracket designer can be used to create almost any size and shape of bracket, with or without face and edge stiffeners or flanges. Automatic search for bracket locations and semi-automatic bracket placement.

Export and Import

Autoplate projects can be incorporated into the Autostructure database. Parts may be exported directly into AutoCAD™ for drawing preparation, nesting and NC cutting, or other purposes. Three export types are supported: 2d parts, 2d assembly and 3d. Inverse bending curves for extrusions optional in part export. Importation of penetration reports from Rebis' AutoPLANT™ piping design program, display of the data and production of a report of Autostructure user actions.